Bishops, Priests, State Membership and Families
Happy Fall to All,
If you have read my pervious letters, I want to thank you and continue to discuss what it is that we do here in the State of Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan. With Knights of Columbus Insurance, we teach people to prepare for the worst and be thankful for whatever comes their way. I have spoken with many people about why the Knights have insurance, and it is very simple.
At the time of our founding, no one would sell insurance to Catholic individuals and families. Life insurance has been around for over 300 years. It is a useful concept of transferring risk of loss of life of a provider and the loss of economic value or the future income that someone would have made had they not lost their life. So, if a person makes $100K a year and will work for 30 more years, they will have an economic value of $3 million dollars. The question of whether they would like to purchase a policy to protect part of that future income is up to them. Most people deal in a world of probability. As agents, we deal in the world of consequences. The tragedies of life are lived by those left. The risk could have been diversified with the right amount of planning.
In our faith, the conversation of delayed gratification is a strong one. We strive to live in a way where our daily lives will show our beliefs and values. The reason the Sacraments exist are to bring us into communion with our Savior. We should do certain requirements in order to receive them, and if we are not willing to do those requirements, we should make the decision to not receive them. Two examples are fasting for one hour before receiving the Eucharist and not having committed a mortal sin.
I have always given people this advice: plan in such a way that if you need it, the benefit will take care of those you love, and if it is not needed, it will still be an incredible gift to someone.
I hear all the time that someone doesn’t need insurance anymore because they are older and have no debt. I respond the same way every time. If you die, your spouse will get less Social Security benefits. No one knows how long a loved one will live after you’re gone. $1500 a month less in benefit for 10 years, is $180,000 dollars. Passing on money tax free allows the next generation to also do the same. People do what they see modeled to them.
I try to stay away from government policies and political sides in most discussions, but taxes are not at the 70% all time high as they were in the ‘30s. However, the debt of our Country is at an all-time high, and it takes much more taxable dollars to give the same amount to someone you love after you die. So having part of your plan include whole life insurance that pays out 100% and most being tax free, is just one of four concepts that we will discuss on a future Fraternal Benefits Night.
I look forward to connecting with our parish members and sharing with them the reasons to consider joining us on our journey—we use the proceeds to create a better world for everyone. We are a strong company with a proven track record of Charity. We make sure your protection doesn’t vote against what our faith believes.
Vivat Jesus
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