
September 2023 Newsletter

Posted on September 02, 2023 in: General News

September 2023 Newsletter

Bishops, Priest & Deacons, State Family and membership,

My brothers and sisters in Christ Greetings and Blessing from the Nowak Agency. 

During each month of the year, I am blessed to spend time in prayer and time in reading spiritual writings each day. This month I would like to share a writing from:

 Saint Alphonsus Liguori- Ready to Enter the Father’s Kingdom.

From a strictly materialistic, this-worldly point of view, the thought of death can cause anxiety and fear, sometimes even panic. But viewed from the perspective of Faith, death is consoling and at times even desirable. Saint Bernard wrote: “Death is precious insofar as it marks the end of struggle; it is victory attained, it is the gate to eternal life.”… In the Scriptures, God calls those who die in his grace happy. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this; Blessed are the dead who from heaven saying, ‘Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them” (Rv 14:13). And in the Book of Wisdom, we read: But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment will ever touch them.

The call to leave this world, which is so full of terror for those who love it, does not alarm good people. Those who love God are not afflicted at the thought world’s goods. They have never been attached to these so-called attractions. Neither do they fear giving up worldly honors or fame, for they have always avoided them, or consider them to be what they truly are, vanity and smoke… And at the same time, as they await their merited crown in heaven, they foresee that in heaven they will be able to assist their loved ones more while still on earth. Thus, good people are able to die in peace and happiness, saying with the Psalmist: I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord make me lie down in safety. In a word, those who during life have constantly said ‘ My God and my All” will continue to repeat this prayer with greater consolation and tenderness at the hour of death….

O my God, I ask only to love you for all eternity. Mary, my Mother, obtain for me the grace to love God ardently in this life, that I may love him ardently forever in the next.

The reason for sharing this writing is it is beautifully simple, as Knights we live knowing that life is short and that we should remember death. Not to be dreaded, but a reward for a good life well spent and what Our team of field agents do is help prepare for this truth. Our good deeds will follow us, we can plan to assist those we love even when we are gone. Building upon St. Alphonsus Liguori writing, planning will stop all panic and fear and the anxiety. Please look for a time to meet with us so we can make sure your ready when your call heavenward.


 Vivat Jesus,

Tim Nowak, General Agent
