
October 2023 Newsletter

Posted on October 04, 2023 in: General News

October 2023 Newsletter

Bishops, Priest & Deacons, State Family and membership,

My brothers and sisters in Christ greetings and Blessing from the Nowak Agency.

Hello again, and it is a blessing to be able to write and speak with you and your family. I have been trying to describe to people what is so special about the Knights of Columbus. Why? Because sometime the things we do and say seems to be less clear to us as we can only see from the point of view and lenses that we are given now in History.

Given the gifts we all have been given we can share the true purity it is to belong to the Knights of Columbus. Yes Purity, of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. Where else is that given to people in our world today? We can share our lives with everyone and support them in the troubling world most are experiencing. I have been blessed to work through this discussion of why now it is important to offer to invite new members into the Order. Today Hope is the thing I see missing in most people lives, not in their favorite NFL team, not in their favorite College Football team unless you a Husker of course. Hope in finding a job that supports your belief system or Hope in a place to put you hard earned savings, that will give you a decent rate of return. Hope in finding the place to worship that will provide you with a welcoming sense of belonging. The Knights can do all that and more, by first finding a group of Men to support you in your longing for belonging, or your suffering, with open arms and cheerful smiles and a warm meal.

When we invite the next generation of men to pray with us and stay with us, for hours of worship and adoration. Leading the way to prayer, leading the way to charity through service and giving from the heart words of hope to your fellow Man and his family you, can offer them something both new and old and a place to belong. To attract others, you must believe in your mission, and perform your calling so well that others will seek you out for they will want what you have.

Tomorrow is your first chance to make that your mission is clear, to live our Founders ideals of being a Co-Fraternity with the Church in renunciation of all with the Eucharistic Lord. We can and should wake up each day with an attitude of Mercy and thankfulness for the infinite Merits carefully crafted gifts of God we received ready to give them away knowing he has an untold storeroom waiting for us tomorrow.

 Vivat Jesus,

Tim Nowak, General Agent
