
September Update

Posted on September 01, 2020 in: General News

September Update

To my Fellow Brother Knights and Families of Wisconsin:

The Nowak Agency would like to Congratulate Joe and Darlene Molosky on the retirement of Joe from the Knights of Columbus Insurance Business.  Joe has been a loyal and faithful leader for the Molosky Agency for Wisconsin, and we wish them blessings and success in their future endeavors in retirement. Joe’s love for the Knights has been a great gift and we thank him.  

The Nowak Agency would like to welcome Field Agents, Dennis O’Connell, Phillip Limmex, Michael Benner, Karl Kronau and William Donohue as of September 1, 2020. Our Supreme Knight and Home Office have given us the opportunity to lead the insurance programs for the entire state of Wisconsin and the Upper Michigan communities. We have a need for 11 more agents to join us in this mission. I have been meeting many who wish to help us be successful and I am grateful and pleased to share that we are growing in numbers and in August we hired a new Field Agent, Chris Thelen.  Chris and his family, wife Emily and three boys, are now relocated back to Wisconsin and in the Green Bay area from Indiana. Welcome to Chris and Emily.

We will be adding another Agent in September and possibly two in October. We are always hoping to find good and Holy men to join us in serving you.

While it seems we are farther apart, now more than ever, we are blessed to stay connected through our good works.  As my wife and I were reading the bible we felt called to share from the book of James. We must not just be readers of the word but doers. My time with the Knights of Columbus has allowed me to put my faith in action and I encourage all of you to look for ways to serve your church more fully in this time of crisis and give your Priest as much support of prayers and care as you can. Together doing community work and serving we can and will work miracles of blessings.

I was able to take part in Unite Wisconsin with the Men of Christ on August 15th in Madison with Bishop Hying and Archbishop Listecki from Milwaukee. It was, to say the least, a moving experience to pray on the steps of the capital and share that the only answer to the day’s problems are uniting in Faith for the great good. We prayed a patriotic rosary and a Eucharist procession. It was great to see so many members of the Knights at this function as well.

I look forward to another month of growing with you and the further enrichment of each council and experience in Christ.

Vivat Jesus,

Tim J. Nowak, General Agent

