
December 2023 Newsletter

Posted on December 01, 2023 in: General News

December 2023 Newsletter

Bishops, Priest, Deacons, State Families and Membership,

My brothers and sisters in Christ Greetings and Blessing from the Nowak Agency.   



If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, weather we live or die, we are the Lord’s.


The church spends the month of November making additional offerings for the souls in purgatory, and so we pray for all who have died with hearts open to God’s love. As we pray for their souls to be purified and led to heaven, we ourselves follow the path Jesus has laid out for us, in hope of reaching the same happy end.

This month I was speaking with a member who reminded me of an added benefit of being a Knight. That in New Haven, CT where the home office is, each day at noon there is a mass being said for our deceased members. I see added benefit as many councils have Masses said/celebrated for departed brothers, and at all meetings we say prayers for those who are sick or in distress. Each in its own way an additional benefit.

It is with great joy that I write you this month, pleading with our Lord for your happiness during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. When most have family to share your time and your good fortune, I know we have some whom have no one to spend that time with and find little joy. However, if we remind them that our happiness lies in Him alone and encourage them to partake in His joy, we have been charitable. As we progress out of ordinary time, I will be praying for your best advent yet. We have our advent candles out and as we pray each night at mealtime in our family, we pray for yours. We know the fullness of Joy does not come from beneath the tree, but from the one who hung on the tree.

I wait expectantly on our Savior and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.


Vivat Jesus,

Tim Nowak, General Agent

