
January 2024 Newsletter

Posted on January 02, 2024 in: General News

January 2024 Newsletter

Bishops, Priest, Deacons, State Families and Membership,

My brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings and Blessing from the Nowak Agency.

First off let me wish each of you a very Merry Christmas, may the joy of knowing a savior give you peace and Joy.

Second it is always a pleasure to share a thought or two with all of you.

Touching and Seeing

As I read my daily readings during Advent, and I prepared to see our Savior born of Mary in Bethlehem. I felt drawn to find him, and to see him with clear eyes on Christmas Morning. I thought of the prophets and their telling of Jesus’s touch. His merciful touching of others, like Bartimaeus. Or of the blind man and the paste that Jesus made with his spittle, pressing it into the man’s eyes. Thinking of the deaf man whose ears he opened by inserted his fingers into them. Thinking of the little girl who had died, and how he took her hand and speaking to her softly instructed, “get up”. I thought about how she arose along with so many others. This all reminded me of something so special and that is as to why we, the Knights of Columbus exist.

The Knights exist to touch those who need care and to show those who need to see, Jesus. St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta said she saw Jesus in the eyes of the poor and the sick. I say let people see Jesus in your work as a Knight, as you lay your hands on coats provided to children who have none. In cheering on those with intellectual disabilities, hand crafting meals for them of pancakes along with feeding them breakfast at their other events. Let them see you processing the Eucharist though your communities and see you walking on pilgrimages. Let them see you before mass go to confession or sit in adoration. Let all that happens this time of year, happen again next year with such great dedication that others will want to join you in your actions of touching and seeing.

            It is my great pleasure to serve you and your families today and always with great joy and love of our fellow members of great Catholic communities of Jesus and His church. I look for ways to touch those who have not yet discovered His healing touch and to help those who have not seen his miracles in their lives yet. I know we can grow our Knights and councils with families looking for that touch and those trying to see Jesus. My wish for each of you as one year comes to an end and we move from blessings to blessings is to be grateful to our Lord that we have a purpose worth living out again in 2024.

Happy new Year to you all,

Vivat Jesus
