
June 2024 Newsletter

Posted on June 02, 2024 in: General News

June 2024 Newsletter

Bishops, Priest & Deacons, State Families and Membership,

My brothers and sisters in Christ, greetings and blessings,

Come, Holy Spirit.

Not only does the Holy Spirit wash the stains from our souls and minds, but he heals the wounds and bruises of life. He softens the pride that is so often the major cause of our unhappiness and bows our (STIFF NECKS) to the Yoke that is sweet and brings us peace. He warms the hearts that have grown cold and makes them human again. He makes us tender to one another, loving towards God, and capable once again, of bringing more to the measure of love, which is hope to the world. He recalls us to the source to drink, to the source of our life and joy. All this is not simply to brace us for conquest and to enable us to suffer here. It is to flood all suffering here with joy, and finally to flood death itself with peace and to bring us to the final realization of joy which will never end. Grant us, in life, thy grace that we in peace may die and ever be in joy before thy face.

When I came across this in my morning readings, I just had to share it with all of you. Having Pentecost just a few short days ago it never hurts to revisit why Jesus would say it is better that I go so I can send you the Spirit, and this explains what the Spirit can help us with.

As I speak with so many over the weeks, months and years that have lost loved ones no words help the silence of their loss.  Being there for people, however, gives them Joy that death was not the last thought as we file claims and benefits are paid out to the families. Joy remains knowing that yes, their parents, aunts, uncles, and Grandparents even planned for death.

Memento Mori is the watch word of our Order.  It is always a present part of the day in the life of an Agent. We strive to help people be aware of the benefits of a sound plan for life and for death. Finding joy in our suffering has never been something most of us can do alone, so the gift of the Spirit by our Lord is given to us all.

We are available to help you through the times ahead, our source is the same.


Vivat Jesus,

Tim Nowak, General Agent
