Worthy State Officers, Members, Families and to our Bishop and Priests,
As of this writing, we will have had completed more forms and had more people participate in the Fraternal Benefits Nights than most likely could have be accomplished pre-Covid. It seems with the ability to do virtual meetings more GK and councils are figuring ways to participate in these valuable briefings on the great Benefits our Founder had in mind when he started the Order. Blessed Michael McGivney knew full well that Life was short and to a Faith filled person it could still be lived fully and completely.
As we make the commitment for the year ahead, we should make sure that we offer a chance for all our parishes and councils to hear Our Story and the Story of Knights of Columbus Benefits to make sure all family have access to be protected through a Catholic company that does so many great things charitably. Catholicity is our main goal, to protect and serve the greater community through example and starting at home is the best place.
We continue to look for Good and Holy men to join the order, to Lead our Councils, to support our Parish Priests and to grow in charity. With all of us working together why should this not be the best year the order has ever had here in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan?
In June, John the Baptist, and Solemnity were celebrated as well as the end of the fraternal year, each of these items reminded us like this great Saint. We must decrease and Jesus must increase for us to follow where he will lead us this year. Days will be getting shorter, and life seems to go by faster and faster, so I say thank you for your support and prayers and we continue this vocational mission of service to your families.
Happy 4th of July hope you can enjoy our Nations birthday with family and Friends.
Warm regards,
Tim Nowak, GA
Wisconsin/UPPER Michigan