
August 2021 Newsletter

Posted on July 31, 2021 in: General News

August 2021 Newsletter

General Agent submission for the Newsletter,

As I write this note to each of you today, I am reminded of two things. One is that summer does not last forever as it was 57 degrees when I woke up this morning in Menasha, and a chill was in the air. We start to see summer winding down quickly with most people trying to sneak in that last trip of summer. Like the Oshkosh air show, which after not having it last year is bursting at the seams. It is my hope that the parishes will have a similar experience as schools come back so will church attendance. It would certainly be a great time to run a campaign for coming back to church as well. Wouldn’t it be great to have all our churches full again? If you can ask your Priest to allow you to do some sort of end of summer event to get everyone back to church? Maybe include your field force with a benefits Night, we have had great success with a lot of councils getting their two required meeting in this last fraternal year. I am encouraged by the comments and commitment all of you have shown in getting the turnout last year. This year we should work to bring in more parishioners than last year. Every man, woman and child is welcome to go to our Degrees and our Fraternal Benefits nights.

One month ago, as I was attending a meeting and a young priest stood up at our meeting and stated that he has only been a priest for three years and he is exhausted and that he needs the Knights of Columbus to bring in more families to help in his parish to keep the parish alive and vibrant. He asked us to spread the word that the Priests need our help in so many ways. Even if they don’t ask you directly, they need you and your families to get active. He also stated, with love in his voice, to stop doing programs and start creating relationships, as relationships are the only thing that will get people working together for the good of thy neighbor and life in the faith. As I listened to him, I promised myself that I would personally spread this message across the states of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Our priests need you! And I am personally asking every member to commit to building one new relationship this month. Invite someone to coffee, breakfast or to dinner. Ask one person “how are you?” and if they would like to become more involved. Maybe they could join in a group saying the rosary, or adoration or something similar. If we all would be concerned for one more person, we would grow closer and love more like Jesus Christ our Lord.

The second thing was I was reminded that life is short and precious, and we each only have a short time here on earth. We should decide to make the most of it each day by loving those that we call family and loving our neighbors as well. When Jesus got here the Jewish law had managed to take the 10 commandments and turn them into over 613 laws, talk about programs. So, Jesus did what he did best and took something complicated and simplified it for us. He took those 613 and along with the 10 and turned them into two: Love God with all you’ve got and love your neighbor as you love yourself. I am humbled by the wishes and prayers we received at the passing of our family member, Judy’s Brother Gilbert, during July thank you all very much. As we continue to pray for Cathy and her family, I also ask for prayers for all those others who lost family this month. Each month we do death claims and pay out death benefits we know people have lost their loved ones and the parents that kept it all together. So, pray and live today as if there is no tomorrow.

Vivat Jesus

GA, Nowak 
